Transform Adversity Into Energy

Picture this: For the first time in a long time, or perhaps the first time ever, most all aspects of your life are coming together and you’re moving forward in the direction of your goals.

You’re looking better each week. That stubborn fat is finally melting away. In its place, muscle is forming. You’re getting stronger, healthier. You’re well on your way to a new and better life. You feel unstoppable until . . . the “unexpected” happens. Adversity strikes. Something goes wrong. You’re blindsided by a bad hit.

These “hits” can come from any direction. It might be an injury that makes it difficult to exercise. It might be the loss of your job or a failed business venture, an illness, the end of a relationship, or worst of all, a personal tragedy.

The fact is, adversity hits all of us, and not just “once in a blue moon.” No one is exempt. When trouble, in whatever form, strikes, it can bring your progress to a screeching halt. It can destroy your momentum, cripple your self-confidence, and send you into a tailspin — a situation where one thing after another, after another just doesn’t go your way.

There’s no training system, supplements, or “miracle pill” that can make you immune to adversity. But does that mean there’s nothing you can do about it?

Yes and no.

You can’t always prevent ill fortune, especially due to forces and circumstances beyond your control. But what you can do is expect adversity as an inevitable part of life. In fact, you must expect trouble in order to properly deal with it. Remember, it’s not a matter of if it comes your way; it’s a matter of when and how severely it strikes your life.

We must all accept that ill fortune is an inevitable part of life, and it is because of, not in spite of, misfortune that we grow. You see, our character will never be fully tested until things are not going our way. Those who have the courage to succeed in spite of adversity become and inspiration. They contribute value to the lives of others. They make a difference.

Whenever you encounter adversity — whenever something comes up that you believe might prevent you from successfully transforming your body and life — immediately ask yourself, “What can I do to turn this negative into a positive? How can I make this work for me rather than against me?”

When you approach obstacles this way, you will experience an immediate boost in energy and confidence (both of which you will need to succeed). And by practicing this skill — by learning how to transform obstacles into advantages — by attacking challenges head on — you will not only continue to move forward, you will gain the inner strength to deal with anything life brings your way.

When you look at adversity this way, you will realize misfortune is a bridge, not a barricade, to greater achievements. It can represent the opening of doors, not the closing of them. When adversity strikes, don’t let it stop you. Promise yourself in advance that you will transform that negative into a positive. That’s not just the right way to handle it, it’s the only way.


  1. cher bettencourt says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, sometimes we forget that stuff just happens and you have to figure a way around it. That is the hard part, but in actuality, its just getting you to think of creative ways to accomplish the very same goal.

  2. Clinton Morin says:

    awesome post bill

  3. Ironically, I’ve just been challenged after finishing the last Transformation challenge yet couldn’t agree with you more and am turning this latest adversity into another challenge, tough, yet makes one stronger…thanks for the reminder!

  4. This is exactly what I needed are this very moment. Thank you!

  5. This is a great way to look at our lives. I started the body & eating for life program & challenge. I call it My New Way of Life. It has built my confidence & self esteem (not to mention I look way better). I started my. 7th week which makes it officially the longest time I have stuck to a workout routine since high school. Thank You Ted

  6. Loved this! Thank you for sharing with us!!

  7. John Isenhower says:

    no coincidence this came my way today…. WOW , good stuff !

  8. Joyce Garrison says:

    Thank you Bill for that article. It seem like you wrote it just for me. I needed to hear every word.

    Sent from my iPhone

  9. Clinton Morin says:

    are attitudes adversity? cause when i get angry i want to eat crap. i’ve identified it. I am really trying to transform my thinking and make positives from negatives but it is a struggle some days. I don’t take confrontation and condesention too well. I have to work hard at this more than anything i have been trying breathing but it sometimes festers.


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